Monday, April 26, 2010

Xtranormal is xtra awesome

Good Monday morning.....
If you need a little pep for the beginning of your work week, I suggest you check out Xtranormal.  Xtranormal is a site where you can create your own mini movies using pre-made 3D characters and sets.  When creating a movie, you can control camera angles, actor expressions and movements, and background sounds and music.  Have your students re-create a scene from history or a book they just read.  You can sign up for a free account and have your students work from that to save their work and progress OR you can download the desktop software called State.

Here's one I made in about 5 minutes:

Here's one featured on the site:

Go crazy! Have fun! Create!


  1. I agree this is a pretty neat site. I am trying it out with my 4th graders. Do you know, can you save your work and come back to it or does it all have to be done in one shot?

  2. Tom, create an account and you can save all your work online! :)
