Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scale of the Universe - Wow. Just wow.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're like a speck of dust compared to all that's out there?  Maybe you get the feeling that you're a giant walking among all the tiny bits of existence?  Either way, the website for today will amaze you!  You're both, really!  Check out The Scale of the Universe to give you and your students a look at how small and how large we really are.

I can't help but love the mystical sounding music that comes with the site too.  I think it really sets the atmosphere for "scientific wonderment".

NOTE:  As long as you don't scroll down the page, you should be alright, but just so you all know, there are comments below the Scale and not all are exactly appropriate.  Again though, they will not be visible unless you scroll down.

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