Making avatars has become an important part of using the internet. Avatars are a safe way to show a likeness (or not-so-"like"ness) of yourself without showing your true identity. They are also really fun to make and can even be used in the classroom!
Mini-Mizer is a neat site where students can create a Lego version of themselves. You can have your students create a Lego avatar and then save it in a screen shot . You can use the avatars in your SMART Notebook files, PowerPoints, or in your blogs and wiki's. Here's mine!
Just a of the props available (for whatever reason, who knows??) is a lit cigarette. I just want to give a heads up because you may want to preface using this site with a mini-lesson on what is and is not appropriate for school, and maybe even how smoking is bad....even for Legos! Shame on them! Despite this, the site is great for students! Enjoy!
EXCELLENT POST! I cannot say enough how important it is to stress to individuals in today's society about internet safety. I can't believe I never thought about using avatars! Good Idea! Keep 'em commin'!