Sorry I have missed the last few's been very busy! Anyways, have a happy Friday with this site:
I have found a really neat site for all you English teachers out there! 60 Second Recap breaks down and explains plot, symbolism, themes, motifs and other aspects of several pieces of literature. The host is a fast-talking, humorous 20-something who really does a good job of bringing complex works such as Hamlet, Animal Farm, and other classics down to the level of your high school students. What's great is that everything is described so that it can be understood by those students who may be struggling with the concepts and reading, AND it's all done in 60 seconds!
Don't see the book you want described? Submit a request and check back each week to see if your video has been added.
Oh man I found something like this a while ago but I can't remember the site but it broke down literary classics into 1 or 2 lines. It was hilarious. Hamlet would be like, "Why did he die? I don't know, this blood won't come out of my shirt." But ya know, better, and more funnier. So basically I told you there is something cool you can't have... nice guy I am.