Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Visualize Word Defining

Looking for a neat new way to look up word definitions?  Try  Visuwords!  While browsing through one of my most favorite teacher blogs ever, (Your Smarticles....check it out!!) I noticed Mrs. Howard's recommendation of the site.  She had used it with her class in several different ways as a dictionary, thesaurus, grammar guide, and more.  I would recommend it for grades 5-12 teachers.

To use Visuwords, simply type in a word that you want to look up and then watch as you are able to interact with and explore the word to find new meaning and related terms.  TO read a full definition, hover over a word, to expand on a related term, just double click on it and watch as your word web grows.  Move the "bubbles", as I'll call them, around on the page and zoom in or out to adjust your view.

Try using it with your vocab list today!

(screen shot from looking up "suspense"...click for larger view.)

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