Friday, May 4, 2012

Test Your Google Searching Skills With Gwigle!

UPDATE:  I'm very sad to say that as of today (well, really I've been trying for a week now...), Gwigle seems to be down.  As in, gone from the Internet.  I'm hoping that it may pop up again, so I am leaving this post in the hopes that it could possibly redirect you to a new Gwigle, if one ever emerges.  But for now, our Gwigling days are over. :(

Use Gwigle, the fun online game to improve your Google searching skills!  With each level you progress through, you will learn the ins and outs of doing a proper search --No, it's not always just putting in a word and hitting go!--

Gwigle will teach you about using notation that will help you filter or expand your searches, making them much more effective. The game will show you a Google search screen, with certain key search terms replaced by question marks.  It's up to you to figure out what replaces the ?????

Having trouble answering a question to move on to the next level?  Click on the link to "Show Tips" to read about what search strategy is being displayed. Or, if you still can't get it, I tried Googling some of the results that show, using some of my newly-learned searching skills of course!

Try it out to become a Googling expert today!

1 comment:

  1. Very neat. I see all too often a person doing a search in an ineffective manner. This should certainly help. Great post!
